Monthly Archives: December 2012

Banalograms PV: Debrief


Last Thursday was our Private View: 45 Banalograms suspended in mid-air as if floating on a cushion of profundity itself.

Without having enough time to make the jam that we had planned for the show, we opted for an Apple and Lemongrass mojito, in homage of one of the jams. On Thursday afternoon we went into overdrive making it, infusing the lemongrass into the boiling apple juice.


The brutal reality of chemistry hit home when the plastic bottle we wanted to use to contain this potent concoction promptly began to melt upon contact with the warm liquid.

We attempted to cool it in the fridge and conservatory before being compelled to leave for fear of missing our own show. We thus ventured along the Piccadilly Line with a full saucepan of hot lemongrass infused apple juice, getting to Rich Mix only five minutes before we were due to open.


The Jammojitos were very pleasant, though, served in jam jars and with complementary refills. Their warmth was well received on this cold and wet Thursday evening.


As the people came and went they left their own words of wisdom in our Banaloguest book, and we met some nice strangers: some folks who just happened across us by chance, and some who thought this was the Palestinian exhibition which was actually going on upstairs. That accounts for some of the perplexed faces. At 10pm, clutching the remaining rum, we stormed out into the night.


The exhibition goes on ’til the 15th :